Monday, March 10, 2014

What is Vertical Shift Healing?

Vertical Shift Healing™ is a healing modality for now - 2013 and beyond.  It is a form of energy healing that has grown out of the new energies, frequencies and possibilities available to us on the earth following the shifts and changes that occurred on and around December 21, 2012, and is entirely in service to building a new earth and humanity.
In order to step into the new era for humanity that is upon us, we must be liberated from the multitude of old energy frequencies, puppet strings, cords, oaths, vows and more that have kept us locked into the old world patterns. Vertical Shift Healing™ begins by unlocking and liberating these old energy patterns. 

Once the old energies are clear, your ability to be vulnerable to your highest self and in allowance of receiving all that you are and all that is, is expanded.

Unlike the many wonderful healing energies that many of us have benefited from over the decades, Vertical Shift Healing™ is not about healing, fixing, or getting rid of what has been out of alignment.  It is a complete overhaul and “re-tuning” of your energetic operating system to something new and more potent that is in communion with your highest Self and with all life This overhaul or re-tuning is comparable to bringing in a computer expert to update or overhaul your computer operating system.  The re-tuning that happens realigns the body so completely that it is no longer subject to old energies, puppet strings and cords that have attached and re-attached themselves in the past.
It is designed to vertically shift your life, living and consciousness into a brand new era of humanity.  It introduces EASE into your life.  It enables latent abilities of perception, healing and more in the body.  Some refer to these changes as activating the light or crystalline body. 

What is it about Vertical Shift Healing™?
 I have been sharing and learning about Vertical Shift Healing™ with some of my clients and the feedback I've received is that releasing energy with Vertical Shift Healing™ seems "lighter and easier" and that the overall experience feels "more comprehensive."  I was so delighted with the feedback from one person who described it as "the field of miracles" that it was incorporated into the slogan!
It also does something completely different.  It removes the safety mechanisms that keep us from fundamental change in our operating system so that we can experience a fundamental systemic change - a complete overhaul of our energy system that is in alignment with all the new energies and frequencies on the planet.  These changes relate to both clearing old programming from the body as well as awakening the latent energies and capabilities of the body - and then integrating the change into a whole new operating system.  And through the initial step of opening up the channels of allowance and vulnerability to our higher selves we allow us ourselves to receive much more of ourselves as the body is cleared of old energy patterns and points of view.
What does this all add up to?  More EASE!  

How is Vertical Shift Healing™ different from other energy healing?
As we shift into a new world with different energy frequencies and possibilities available to us, and as we are asked to step up our game and be both more empowered and more surrendered, more rooted in our authenticity, more harmonized in our collective consciousness and more aware and embodied in our divine conscious awareness, it is clear that another type of energy healing is required to assist us in this kind of core, fundamental shift to a new world and possibility.  Vertical Shift Healing™ is designed to address all this and more. This is why I consider it a leading edge healing modality designed for 2013 and beyond.
Vertical Shift Healing™ is a healing modality for now - 2013 and beyond.  It is a form of energy healing that has grown out of the new energies, frequencies and possibilities available to us on the earth following the shifts and changes that occurred on and around December 21, 2012, and is entirely in service to building a new earth and humanity.
In order to step into the new era for humanity that is upon us, we must be liberated from the multitude of old energy frequencies, puppet strings, cords, oaths, vows and more that have kept us locked into the old world patterns. Vertical Shift Healing™ begins by unlocking and liberating these old energy patterns. 

Once the old energies are clear, your ability to be vulnerable to your highest self and in allowance of receiving all that you are and all that is, is expanded.

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